Encephalitis Vaccine Injury Compensation Lawyers

National Representation for Encephalitis and Encephalopathy Claims from Vaccine Injuries
The brain is the command center of the body. When the health of the brain is threatened by an immunization, the impact can be devastating. After all, vaccines were created to protect the population from debilitating diseases and disorders. In the rare instance that you or a loved one has suffered injury or death from a vaccine, it helps to know you are not alone. We represent clients who suffer from encephalopathy and encephalitis triggered by vaccination.
The Vaccine Injury Law Project is ready to help. We take on cases other firms deny because we believe that your right to obtain fair compensation supersedes the complexity of your claim. We don't back away from difficult cases. Our team has been helping victims of vaccine injuries of all ages for more than ten years. We are a firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of the wrongfully injured.
Recovering Compensation for Encephalitis Caused by Vaccines
Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain and can affect people of all ages, including infants. Generally brought on by viral infections, it has also been linked to certain vaccines such as those containing pertussis bacteria (DTP, DTaP, P or DTP-Hib), measles, mumps, rubella or any of its components (MMR, MM or MMRV). Common symptoms include headache, fever, fatigue, and muscle or joint aches. More severe symptoms may include seizures, changes in behavior, confusion, and stroke.
At times, a claim for encephalitis caused by a vaccine can be filed when the first symptom manifests within the 72 hour time period referenced on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Vaccine Injury Table. We will examine the details of your matter in order to advise you on the best course of action.
Helping Vaccine Injury Clients with Encephalopathy
Encephalopathy is a clinical syndrome that damages the brain leading to dysfunction and is characterized by an altered mental state. It has been linked to vaccines containing pertussis bacteria (whole cell, extracted or partial) as well as vaccines containing measles, mumps, and rubella virus. Symptoms range from bothersome to severe and may include memory loss, seizures, disorientation, cognitive decline and lethargy.
It is important to note that encephalopathy brought on by a vaccine has a specific time period in which symptoms generally occur. The time frame is outlined in the Vaccine Injury Table and is helpful in determining the cause of the neurological disorder. In some cases, the effects of the encephalopathy will resolve, but for others, the damage to the brain may become irreversible leading to chronic impairment. We will work diligently to determine what is necessary to provide you the help you deserve.
Chicago Vaccine Injury Law Firm with National Experience
Contact the Vaccine Injury Law Project today to discuss your claim eligibility with one of our skilled attorneys. We will ask you some questions to get a better understanding of what you, your child or loved one has endured. Remember, pursuing a claim through the VICP requires in-depth knowledge of the process. We have successfully navigated numerous VICP claims for a variety of injuries from vaccine administration. Call 312-858-2177 to speak with us today. We look forward to your call.