Chicago Based Rotavirus Vaccine Injury Attorneys

Rotarix and RotaTeq Vaccines Injury Compensation Lawyers Serving Clients Across the U.S.
The very first rotavirus vaccine, called RotaShield, was withdrawn shortly after it was released in 1999 because of safety concerns. Scientists warned that RotaShield could lead to a severe intestinal problem called intussusception. Today, American children can be inoculated with Rotarix or RotaTeq rotavirus vaccines. Although these vaccine brands are safer than the earlier RotaShield, they still carry the risk of serious injuries.
Rotavirus Vaccine Risks
The CDC, FDA and other health agencies monitor vaccine safety, including rotavirus vaccines. Two of the most common concerns for rotavirus vaccines are:
- Intussusception
- Severe allergic reaction
Intussusception blocks the intestine. This problem occurs when part of the intestine slides into itself, like a telescope. Food cannot pass through the blocked intestine, and blood flow to the area may be cut off. This condition can also lead to bowel perforation, and can be fatal if children are left untreated.
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction. Most vaccines, including those for rotavirus, carry the risk of anaphylaxis or allergic reaction. Severe allergic reactions can cause the airway to swell and tighten, and it can cause cardiac arrest and other life-threatening problems.
Rotavirus vaccines may cause other serious injuries. For any type of serious vaccine injury, you deserve compensation for the effect the injury will have on the life of your child.
Following a Vaccine Injury
Although rare, intussusception, severe allergic reaction and other adverse reactions can have consequences for the person who suffers them and that person's family. If your child has been injured by a rotavirus vaccine, you and your child may face the impact of:
- Disabling injuries
- Emergency room bills
- Surgery bills
- Physical therapy expenses
- Reduced earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
For the costs of such injuries, the federal government has created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This program is designed to provide payment to people who are injured by vaccines. The compensation is supposed to pay for certain expenses as well as the pain and suffering caused by the injury.
To recover compensation for your child's injury, you must prove either that the adverse event satisfies the criteria listed on the Vaccine Injury Table, or that the rotavirus vaccine was the cause-in-fact of the injury. Vaccine injury attorneys Ed Kraus, Amy Kraus and Brynna Gang are experienced in handling these complex claims. We have the resources and can access the medical experts necessary to show the Vaccine Court how the vaccine caused your child’s injury.
If you think your child may have been injured by a rotavirus vaccine, please contact the Vaccine Injury Law Project to learn more about vaccine injury compensation. For your free consultation, call us at 312-858-2177, or contact us online. We serve clients both in Chicago, Illinois, and throughout the United States.