U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Law Firm

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Vaccine Injury Law
Filing a claim in the NVICP can be confusing if you do not have experience. If you need clarity or have additional questions, our team at the Vaccine Injury Law Project is ready to help. Call us at 312-858-2177, or contact us by email. A lawyer will respond to your inquiry.
Q: Will I need to pay an attorney to file my VICP claim?
A: All legal representation for VICP vaccine injury claims is provided at no cost to you. We pay all costs of litigation including filing fees, medical records collection and the costs of retaining experts. All compensation awarded for your claim goes directly to you and is not taxable. Our reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs are paid from a special government fund. You will never receive a bill for our attorneys’ fees and costs.
Q: Who may file an injury claim under the VICP?
A: Any individual, regardless of age, who received a VICP-covered vaccine and believes he or she was injured by that vaccine is eligible to file a claim. VICP-covered vaccines are listed on the Vaccine Injury Table. In addition, the parent or legal guardian of a child or disabled adult may file on behalf of the injured. Finally, the legal representative of a deceased person believed to have been injured by a covered vaccine may file a claim. In addition, the effect of the injury must last at least 6 months or require inpatient hospitalization and surgery. In general, a petition must be filed within 36 months of the onset of the injury or within two years of death if the vaccine injury led to the death.
Q: What is the Vaccine Injury Table?
A: A document created in accordance with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and the Public Health Service Act which lists covered vaccines and some injuries. While the vaccine that caused the injury must be included on the table, the injury or illness does not need to be listed on the table. In fact many injuries and illnesses are not listed but are commonly compensated under the VICP.
Q: What vaccines are covered under the VICP?
A: All covered vaccines are listed on the Vaccine Injury Table, which is updated periodically. The Table includes all vaccines routinely administered to children and other vaccines that are added by HHS or congressional action.
Q: What if a person experiences injury or death by a vaccine not listed on the Vaccine Injury Table?
A: Vaccines not listed on the Vaccine Injury Table are not covered by the VICP. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may recommend new vaccines which are eligible after publishing a notice of coverage. It is best to consult an attorney for the most up to date vaccines.
Q: What if I do not live in the United States currently, but believe I was injured by a vaccine?
A: You may still be eligible to file a claim if you were a U.S. citizen living or traveling at the time of vaccination while working as a United States employee or member of the Armed Forces; or if the vaccine manufacturer is based in the U.S. and you return to the U.S. within six months of the administration of the vaccine.Q: Why do I need a lawyer to file a VICP claim?
A: You may file a petition on your own, but having the help of an experienced vaccine injuries lawyer will help you avoid missteps with the rules and procedures of the Vaccine Court as well as improve your chances of receiving compensation. The Vaccine Injury Law Project provides the highest quality representation at no-cost to our clients.
Please contact our office to discuss your claim. Call 312-858-2177 to speak with an attorney about your matter. We serve Chicago, Illinois and national claimants.